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Unexpected Expenses to Budget for in a Kitchen Renovation

Kitchens are the most utilized rooms in a home. Used for prepping meals, gathering to eat, and sometimes completing homework, it’s only a matter of time before it needs some TLC. Old cabinets with loose hinges from years of opening and shutting them, once beautiful floor tiles have a permanent dinge to them from the many spills, countertops become scratched, and walls are riddled with stains from grease, sauces, and heavens knows what else. So, you’ve decided to pay for a renovation to address the issue.

When budgeting for a renovation, there’s a lot more that goes into it than you might think. In order to prepare yourself and your family, you need to be aware of the obvious costs as well as the less obvious ones. Though you’ve probably already called around for estimates and conducted price comparisons on supplies and home decor, here are some expenses you probably didn’t factor into your renovation budget, but should. If you find that you don’t have enough set aside for these expenses, you might consider a fast solution like a quick cash loan. If qualified, you could receive several hundred dollars in your account in one business day. This can tide you over until you get paid.


Kitchen renovations, depending on how large they are can take several weeks to complete. Since various parts of the renovation process will require contractors to cut off access to the electrical and/or gas lines in the home, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to run in the kitchen and whip up a meal for your family. Most families end up having to pay for the cost of takeout while their kitchen is being renovated. Whether you opt for a dollar menu at a local fast food chain or you order pizza and Chinese the next few weeks, this will need to be factored into your budget.

Unexpected Findings

During a kitchen remodel your home will often be stripped down to the bare minimum. Parts of the room will be exposed that haven’t been since the property was first built or last renovated on. This could result in findings that weren’t factored into the renovation budget. An infestation problem, water damage, mold, electrical wire issues, gas line trouble, and even structural complications can put a halt on the entire project until it is resolved. This could set your budget back several thousand dollars, so be prepared. If you’re unable to afford the repairs, it may also mean holding off or downgrading other renovation tasks you wanted such as opting for laminate flooring instead of hardwood or going with a cheaper backsplash to make up the difference.


For some families, it’s simply not feasible for them to remain in a home under construction. You have contractors coming in and out of the property on a regular basis, a lot of hammering, banging, and clanging, as well as a lot of air pollution from various building materials being used. There’s also the fact that you won’t have access to your kitchen for a while. For this reason, some couples opt to relocate and either stay with a relative or in a hotel until the project is complete. You’ll need to budget for a room, the additional cost of commuting (if any), as well as entertainment and food for the duration of your stay.

There’s a lot that goes into making your kitchen look amazing once again. You and your family will be inconvenienced to some extent, but can properly plan if you already know what to expect. If you haven’t already budgeted for these things, remember, there are options available to you. A quick cash loan can reduce the number of inconveniences and ensure your home improvement project goes off without a hitch.

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