
3 Ways To Help Your Elderly Loved One Prepare Their Space For Winter

While everyone who lives in a cold climate will need to do some form of preparation for winter weather coming their way, if you have an elderly loved one who lives in this type of area, you may want to give them some help as they prepare their home or space for the changing of the seasons.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three ways to help your elderly loved one prepare their space for winter. 

Help Them Prepare For Winter Emergencies

One thing that you’ll never want your elderly loved one to have to handle without proper preparation is a winter emergency. Things like being out in the cold or having the power go out can be very harmful to seniors. So to help them avoid being hurt in these types of situations, you’ll want to ensure that they are ready for possible winter emergencies.

Some things you can do to help with this include helping them pack up emergency supplies in their home and in their vehicle. These supplies should include things like food, water, and a way to stay warm. Additionally, if there ever is a power outage for your elderly loved one, ensuring that they have a flashlight, a way to communicate, non-perishable food, and warm clothes and blankets will help them survive being without power. 

Give Them As Much Shoe Traction As Possible

If your elderly loved one lives in an area where a build up of ice and snow is possible, helping them stay on their feet when walking outside is going to be vital to their health.

While it may not feel good for you when you slip and fall on the ice or snow, if this happens with your elderly loved one, they could be in for a world of pain. So when the temperature starts to drop, make sure your loved one has shoes with great traction on snow and ice. And if they use a walker or cane, be sure the bottom of this medical device has good traction as well. 

Make Sure They Have Enough Warm Clothes And Blankets

If your loved one is living in an assisted living facility, a lot of this preparation will be done for them. But whether they live on their own or with help, you can still ensure that they have what they need to stay warm when the weather gets cold. 

Ideally, your elderly loved one should have a large supply of warm clothes to choose from each day. This should include things like thick pants and socks, sweaters, hats, and gloves. You can also make sure that they have some warm blankets around so that they can alway put on an extra layer if they need. 

If it’s about to start getting cold where your elderly loved one lives, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you prepare their space for this seasonal change. 

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